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WPCA Minutes, Regular Meeting 6/3/08


Members Present:                Joe Carino, Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens Jr., and Michael Patitucci

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming
                                Richard Siedman

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Elizabeth Locicero, Recording Secretary

Others:                 Herb May, CPH Engineers

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.


        Aries made a motion to accept the minutes of May 6, 2008.  Patitucci seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


        1.      5 & Diner, 274 Buckland Road (Approval to connect)

                Herb May, CPH Engineers presented the above referenced application and had the following comments:

"       Site is located on the east side of Buckland Road diagonally across from Highland Park Market.
"       Size of the building is approximately 3,760 s.f. with 70 parking spaces.
"       Currently sewers end just before 240 Buckland Road.
"       Existing water and gas is located in Buckland Road.
"       Diner will contain a grease trap on the east side of the building which will eventually be connected to the sewer line.
"       Engineering comments have been provided.
"       IWA/CC and PZC approval have been received.
"       Elevations were shown to the members.
"       The Diner will display a parked l950's car.
"       A public sewer will be connected to the diner.
"       A proposed easement will be provided for the sewer connection.
"       Proposed storm drainage will be pulled back because it was located in the sewer easement.
"       There are wetlands located near the road which will make it difficult to construct the storm and sanitary storm drains.
"       Any proposed plantings will be located outside the proposed easement.
"       Slopes will be designed at one half percent.
"       An 8" PVC pipe will be provided.
"       Lateral connections will feature the chimney connection and Town details have been incorporated into the drawing showing a 2% flow (1 chimney connection at 240 and 1 chimney connection at 252).
"       Wells were located from previous records (240 Buckland Road at 55');
"       Existing homes are not connected to sewers as yet.
"       Structure at 240 Buckland Road will be protected prior to installing sewers; plans have been provided to show stabilization of the earth and the foundation.
"       Sewer will be angled from existing manhole to enable sewer being placed as straight as possible.
"       Elevations will be revised as per Town Engineer's recommendations.
"       A stump will be added onto the last manhole to extend more than one sewer.

Discussion ensued among the members with the following comments and concerns:  Replies will be in Italics.

o       Questioning extension of road and location of car.  Car is located off the paved surface; there is a proposed easement that ranges from 20' down to 10'.
o       Property being owned by whom down to the sewer line. Owner and proposed easement.
o       Size of proposed sewer being large enough to accommodate other properties.  Yes, size of the pipe will be efficient to carry for other properties.
o       Questioning laterals from other properties in proximity.  Chimney connections are being proposed to provide for connections to sewers - connection being extended.
o       Approximate location of 240 Buckland Road.  Structure is located 30' away from area that is to be disrupted for connections.
o       Concern of proximity of well to proposed sewer, 75' is desired. Regulations will be followed closely and connections will be done according to the State's mandate.
o       Type of pipe being approved for this plan.  It is not known at this time and a conditional approval is being sought based on the Town Engineer's comments.
o       Commission cannot approve this application without the benefit of designated pipes being shown.
o       Future concerns of pipes are considered in approvals; incidents in the past have caused problems for the Town; proof of information on a final drawing is required.
o       Easements approved by Town Attorney?
o       Conditional approval is desired with applicant returning to WPCA for final approval to allow applicant to go forward with the liability of returning to WPCA.

Fletterick made a motion to give conditional approval for the connection to the Town's sewerage system of property located at 274 Buckland Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled "Site Development Plans, 5 & Diner, 274 Buckland Road, Prepared by CPH Engineers, Vernon, CT; Sheet No.: C-8A "Sanitary Sewer Plan and Profile", Job No. N1501, Dated 4-21-2008; Revision Date: 5-20-2008; with the understanding that final approval will be based upon revised drawing reflecting the changes requested by the Town Engineer; any required changes in use of pipe materials for any section of mainline sewer within 75 feet of a private well; a final document of a private easement between the properties must be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney, and satisfactory review by the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.  Dickinson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

2.      Set Sewer User Charge Rates and Schedule for Benefit of Assessments for FY 2008/2009

Discussion ensued among the members with the following comments and concerns:

o       Senior population uses less water; possibility of creating a third tier and to include senior only residences.
o       Possibility of creating qualified reductions including income.
o       Above creates confusion for the Town when present owner moves out and a family moves in.
o       Seniors water lawns.

Havens made a motion to adopt the Sewer Line User Charge rates and Schedule for Benefit of Assessments for FY 2008/2009 as presented this evening at WPCA Public Hearing.  Aries seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Aries made a motion to add to the Agenda Item C-3 - set date for July 2008 meeting.  Patitucci seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

3.      Set date for July 2008 Meeting

        Dickinson made a motion to schedule Tuesday, July 15, 2008 as a regular meeting of the WPCA at 7:00 p.m. in the Sprenkel Room.  Ferrero seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Shaw noted that comments have not been received from DEP on design plans for the plant.  The referendum should be started within the next month and half but not without the DEP's comments.  Town Council does not meet in August.  Other large items are being brought to referendum in the Town, i.e. school and artificial turf - there should be no competition.  Option one is to wait for DEP's comments and option two is to move forward.  Consensus of the Commission was to move ahead.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)


Shaw provided the process regarding South Windsor receiving bonds, etc. and financial status of WPCA.  It was suggested that an information packet be sent to residents so they would understand the nature of what WPCA is doing and why it is being done.



        Havens, Jr. made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m.  Aries seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Date Approved: July 15, 2008                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                                Phyllis M. Mann
                                                                Recording Secretary